Before and after

Before and after

Monday, 9 December 2013

A data upload

I haven't been keeping this up, so here are some summaries  for those who like charts:

 This show how stable the house is temperature-wise. Since we have central heating, the house is always comfortable, even if the temperatures look low to some people. My thermometers are not calibrated, so they may be slightly off. Note that during the warm weather in July, the house never went over 28C (82F).

Energy usage
You can see where we came from and how the PV gives us negative electricity consumption in summer.We have reduced our gas usage by 71% on rolling annual basis as of this month. We should get that lower, particularly if we put in a solar hot water collector. In the summer the heating is off (and through to October) so the gas consumption is hot water and cooking.

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